Saturday, September 16, 2006

Its really been a while ...

Since my last post, it exactly been a month now. Lying low is me but life goes on ....Memphis ..Chicago..and now back to SFO, thats what I have been doing the past month ...

And as for the world ....People figthing each other, blasts here and there, hatred, traffic ....the same old stories ..nothing in this world ever changes ....

I seem to have the lost the knack of writing .....for words are failing me right now ....want to write about a lot of stuff but nuthing ...blank ..absolutely blank am I !!!!!

So back to Music and Books first ...

a) Stellar Road - Heard this rock band at the Navy Pier at Chiacgo. No new band has ever managed to impress me this much the first time I hear them. A rock solid 2 hour hearing is what I gave them and was floored for sure ...they put up such an awesome show of guitaring and vocals that we stood there stunned. Got a CD of theirs ('Better than Yesterday') - great buy it..plays in my car day and night (and Rahman of course :-))

b) Bob Dylan (Modern Times) - The lyrics are gud ..the music is really gud ...Bob Dylan is great but dude ....I can't seem to understand what u r saying ....might be my judgement ....but neverthless, the vocals are not clear .....

c) Audioslave (Revelations) - Definitely a gud buy ....considering that their last album was a dud and was definitely worth nuthin at all .....

d) Don (Hindi) - Simply ignore maadi ....except for one song (Aaj ki Raat Alisha Chinoy)

Its amazing how even though there are a gazillion musicians across the world and a zillion styles and form of music of which I might probably be hearing around a billion different ones (probably boasting about my music mania) but finally what soothes me and what makes me happy about discovering the joy of music is Rahman ....A R Rahman ....there was, there is and there never will be anyone like him ....this as I wait for the music of 'Provoked' and 'Guru' - the next Rahman albums looming large on 'my musical horizon')

a) Glass Palace - by Amitav Ghosh - a good fictional fast paced novel set in the pre-independence era about an indian boy in burma and his subsequent travails and his life and lives of people connected to him in some way or the other ...

b) Two Lives - by Vikram Seth- good one...a biographical account of his Uncle and Aunt.

c) Tipping Point - by Malcolm Gladwell - an ok book about social epidemics and behavior

Over and Out ...



Musically Me said...

hey FYI, my blogspot address is changed...

it is